2nd Annual
Reformed Family Conference
Report (Dec. 2012)
Dear Friends,
We are glad to report of the Lord’s
blessings among us. 10th to 14th December will be
remembered for a long time to come by those who attended this year’s Reformed
Family Conference held at the Grace Baptist Church Kisumu.
This year’s theme was ‘The cross of
Christ: A life changer’ with Pastor Victor Kanyense from Lusaka, Zambia as our
speaker for a second year running. We were shown very ably and clearly through
twelve sessions how the cross of Christ is not only central to the Biblical
religion and, indeed to the Scripture as a whole, but specifically is central
to the gospel of salvation. Christ’s death is not an example of how far love
can take someone. The cross was a transaction between the Father and the Son.
Wonderful as it is, election without the cross offers no salvation.
The results of the cross include
propitiation, redemption, justification, and reconciliation with substitution
being the foundation upon which the above four are built. The common thought
that the cross demonstrates weakness and that we have to turn to the
resurrection to find victory is false teaching. The cross of Christ is one big
conquest from beginning to end; from Genesis to Revelation. Consider this:
Conquest predicted (Gen.3:15); Conquest began in the ministry of Christ;
Conquest achieved at the cross (Heb.2:14ff); conquest confirmed and announced
at resurrection (Acts 2:24) and conquest consummated at the return of Christ
(Rev.5). The demands of the cross include self-sacrifice, submission and
conformity. The cross never leaves anyone the same; because for the
perishing, it is foolishness while for those who are being saved, the cross is
the power of God.
Conference Group Photo |
The cross is indeed a life changer
as the risen Lord by His grace trains us to say “No” to ungodliness and
worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this
present age (Titus 2:12). In the final session, we were shown how the
solution to the church’s challenges is the cross of Christ (1 Cor.1:1-31). The
speaker is endowed with the ability to communicate heavy truths in a way that
even the young among us were able to follow; thus carrying everyone along. We
truly thank God for Pastor Kanyense.
Workshops were held in the
afternoons in three different groups. Pastor M. Maura led the youth in
discussions on the life of Joseph in Genesis; bringing out the gospel and its
relevance today. Pastor S. Oluoch handled one adult discussion group. He
reports “it was basically the study of Genesis 1: 24-31 famously known as
‘cultural mandate.’ I laboured to help our people see the need for living for
the glory of God in our daily activities and upholding Christian ethics in line
with the mandate above.” Sam also gave the key-note address from Job chapter
one alerting us of the tricks of Satan with his ‘all will be well theology’
which is meant to cloud the meaning of the cross. Due to the forthcoming
General Elections, Pastor N. Ogallo led the second adult group on discussing ‘Christians
and Politics.’ Various issues were discussed: Should Christians be involved in
politics? If so, what kind of involvement? Can a believer contest a political
post? Should I vote? Why? How? And what is the role of the church in politics?
Finally, there was a special workshop which brought all the attendees together.
Professor Owino Ong’or who is himself a believer and a medical Doctor led a
very informative and challenging discussion on HIV & AIDS; facts about its
origin, spread, consequences and the way forward particularly for believers.
Pastors and their wives |
Over ninety people were in
attendance with some coming part-time. These came from different parts of the
country. All pastors in attendance were given time to give reports of their
labours and were prayed for. We had expected a higher number but various
reasons were fronted as hindering some from attending. The organizing committee
did a brilliant job both in planning and execution. Everyone was well fed with
‘first class’ and balanced food. The teaching sessions were all recorded and
soon the Mp3 CDs will be ready for purchase. Last year’s recordings are also
available for purchase.
We extend our sincere thanks to
those churches and particular brethren who knowing our need, identified with us
and graciously and generously partnered with us to make the conference a
success. To all of you, we are grateful for your prayers for us and for your
continued interest in the growth of the reformed faith in Kenya. While these
continue to be “days of little things”, we however remain focused and proclaim:
“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seal, because You were
slain, and with Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and
language and people and nation” (Rev.5:9).
by Naphtally Ogallo on behalf of ReCFoK.